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New Product Guide For Operations and Warehouse Managers
Prodcut guide for manufacturing and distribution
Welcome to our latest brochure, designed to give operations and ware...
Autumn leaves are beautiful, but can be dangerous...
Non-slip GRP flooring guards against slips on wet leaves
The season of Autumn is a very beautiful month with amazing ...
Make Sure Germs Don't Walk Through Your Door
Stop that virus from walking right through your door!We've got several options of disinfecting floor mats to suit eve...
The Best Way to Get YOUR Message Across
Wash hands...Cover face...Make space...
The amount of times I've forgotten to put a mask on when going into a shop, f...
Filthy Facts
Facts about walking dirt into buildings
70-80% of the dust, dirt and grime in public buildings is tracked in from the...
BRAND NEW - FootBath Combi
Mat combination to keep entrances clean
FootBath Combi - disinfecting foot bath with drying entrance mat combined tog...
Ground-Breaking New Doormat Technology
Benefits of a Hygiene+ treated doormat:
Elimination of bacteria
Cleanliness on a microbial level
Reduced odour
Less ...
Using 100% recyled materials in our mats
Making positive and sustainable changes to our matting content
We're working hard to add to our already comprehensive...
New Product Guide For Safety and Facilities Managers
We’ve recently increased our range of Safety Floor Matting Systems, and to celebrate this we’ve launched a new pr...
How to choose entrance matting systems
Choosing matting systems for front entrances can be a daunting process - we make your job easier with this step by st...
Anti Fatigue Mats - Do They Really Work?
Do anti fatigue mats really work? find out in our blog or call us today for a demonstration.
Anti-fatigue and anti-slip mats – how do I know which one I need?
How do you know which mat to purchase for your specific needs? We give you some good advice in our blog.