all ABOUT slips and trips
Slip, trip and fall injuries cost the UK approaching 1 billion pounds per year. ... 37% of all reported workplace injuries were as a result of a slip, trip or fall, with 28% of all fatalities in the workplace being caused by a slip, trip or fall.
The Facts
With 28.2 million working days lost due to work related illness and injury during 2018-2019, it is extremely important to look at how we can prevent slips, trips and falls in the workplace.
Most Common
Slips and trips are the most common cause of major injuries at work and can happen almost anywhere. 95% of major slips result in broken bones and they can also be the initial cause for a range of other types of accident such as a fall from height.
The Cost
The cost to employers is £512 million per year (lost production and other costs).
The cost to the health service £133 million per year.
incalculable human cost...
The Cause
There is little understanding of the causes of slipping.
Persons thinking that slips and trips are inevitable.
Poor application of risk assessment and management controls.
Anti slip solution for slippery metal stairs
Metal and profiled stairs with chequer plate treads look non-slip, durable and easy-to-clean. However, many are slippery when wet and can be very high risk for slips and trips. The Health and Safety Authority have an excellent report on this very issue, and this can be found on the link below.
Link to HSA ReportGRP stair treads and nosings stop slip issues
The easiest, quickest and most cost effective way to eliminate dangerous slips and falls down metal chequer plate stairways is to fix GRP to the stair treads.
These are available in any size to suit your specific application, and can be produced with ultra fine, fine, medium and course grit to ensure your needs are met.
Colour coding in the standard black and yellow might suffice for your needs, but we can produce GRP in any British Standard or RAL colour. This gives you the opportunity to link the steps with your brand, or to include any text such as 'Use Handrail', or 'Fire Exit' for example. Photo luminescent edges are also available for steps in darker areas.
GRP is an immensely resilient and virtually indestructable material, totally shatterproof and can withstand the use of harsh chemicals and cleaning liquids.
Different thicknesses can be produced - thinner products can be curved around areas such as foot bridges and ramps, and the thicker products provide a higher rigidity for wider spans or for extra strength and resilience.
If the chequer plate look is still required, then GRP can be produced in this pattern, but with the added advantage of the non-slip grit finish.