FootMat Colour - Match Your Existing Brand Colours
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Regular price £81.50
Branded entrance mat
- High Definition printing quality.
- Unequalled wash fastness: no redeposition or colour loss.
- Incredible stain resistance: no cross staining, easy to clean.
- Yarn contains 100% post-consumer recycled content.
- Produced within 2-3 business days
- Yarn: Continuous filament PET yarn with 100% post-consumer recycled content
- Carpet weight: 900 g/m²
- Rubber: Nitrile EXS™ (Border 2.5mm/Center 1.5mm)
- Total weight: 2.90 kg/m²
- Backing options: Smooth, Claw
- Also available in 3mm rubber backing
- 16 standard sizes available, other sizes made to order
- 66 standard colours available, other colours made to order