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Pharmaceutical and Medical

Anti-fatigue mats for operating rooms

Very high levels of concentration are required when surgeons are carrying out their excellent work with their patients and they can be standing still for long periods of time. One way to ease the pressure on feet, ankles and legs is to install anti-fatigue mats. With the need to be compatible with a sterile and germ free environment, the SteriMat is ideal for this application.

Anti-fatigue and contamination control mats for hospitals

Cleanliness is absolutely number one in hospitals and cleaners take extra care to keep the floor areas as clean as possible as this is where the majority of germs would be transferred from the outside to the inside.

Many hospital duties require professionals to stand for long periods of time which can give rise to aches and pains in many parts of the body. Medical experts need to constantly maximize their time and the last thing they need is for fatigue to take its toll on their bodies, making them less efficient and more prone to mistakes.

Anti-fatigue mats can be a great benefit in this situation and one of the best types is PharMat which has an easy to clean surface.

For contamination control use the TakiMat which has a tacky surface to remove contaminants from shoes.

Anti-fatigue mats for laboratories

Working in a laboratory by its very nature requires deep levels of concentration and perseverance, and persons working within these environments are highly skilled in their chosen field. Any company developing any kind of product from pharmaceuticals, electrical and digital components to engineering, food analysis or metallurgy would have extensive laboratory facilities to enable their products to be developed further. Cleanliness is another key requirement in these environments and this requires the use of products such as the TakiMat which removes contaminants from shoes.

Click on the images below to find out more about anti-fatigue mats that can make a big difference to your working environment.

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